Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help For Haiti

If you are looking for a charity to give to that will send money into Haiti to assist with the earthquake disaster there, I would like to suggest a donation to UMCOR.  UMCOR is an amazing organization!  They don't do much advertising, and most people are unaware that they even exist.  This is because every donation made to UMCOR is passed on 100% to the intended recipient.  If you were to donate $10 to the Haiti emergency, all $10 would go to Haiti.  None of your donation is used for administration costs of the fund or in any way for running the organization.  This is why many people are unaware of UMCOR, they don't really do any advertising so that they can make sure the money is sent where it is needed, not for the promotion of the organization.  The organization itself is a part of The United Methodist Church, which is the body that supports its operation so that all donations reach their intended need.  Please visit the Haiti Earthquake page on the UMCOR website if you would like to send a donation.


  1. Thanks Michael. I was looking for an immediate relief effort to donate to - just wrote a check to UMCOR.

  2. Thanks Maria. Glad that I could help you find a way to give.


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