Monday, May 7, 2012

1946 Majestic Console

A couple of days ago, when I featured my city-wide garage sale finds, a reader inquired about the vintage radio that they could see in the background of my pictures.  I featured this radio on the blog a few years ago, so instead of reposting that story, I'm just going to link to it here.  If you compare the photos in my most recent post to this one from a few years ago, you will notice that the radio now lives in my living room and not the dining room.  Have a great Monday!


  1. Looks fantastic next to the chair. Beautiful!

  2. Hi Michael, just wanted to thank you for taking the time to repost and answer my question. That is a very nice radio and I have to agree with you, older console radios had a very rich, full body sound to them. I have Philco console that I purchase at an antique/flea market just outside of Grand Bend, ON. The outside is finished but I must have crossed a wire up when I was re-capping the radio, so now instead of having a hum, it squeals! I need to pull the chassis back out and re-check my connections. I also have a Silvertone Teleadial console that I am currently refinishing. I really like this one, because of its Art Deco styling. Anyway – thanks again!


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