Friday, April 22, 2011

Movie Friday: The Passion of the Christ

Happy Good Friday!  As I was trying to come up with a fitting movie for this day, two immediately came to mind.  I'll feature the other one soon, but for today, my focus is The Passion of the Christ.

I know that this movie is not a classic movie in the sense of being vintage.  However, I do believe that this will be a great classic some day.

As taken from Wikipedia:  "The Passion of the Christ is a 2004 film directed by Mel Gibson and starring Jim Caviezel as Jesus which depicts the Passion of Jesus largely according to the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Passion of the Christ largely covers the final twelve hours of Jesus' life beginning with the Agony in the Garden and ending with a brief depiction of his Resurrection. Flashbacks of Jesus as a Child, when Jesus worked as a carpenter, the Sermon on the Mount, the saving of Mary Magdalene from being stoned to death, and the Last Supper are also included."

There are many more details in the article that I did not include.  To see more, just follow the Wikipedia link above.
Have a Blessed Day!

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