Monday, December 13, 2010

Heat Wave

The temperature reached a steamy 26 degrees F here in my little part of Missouri today.  I felt like this video might be appropriate (especially since that is a whole 10 degrees warmer than it was yesterday!).  LOL!



  1. it's the opposite here in denver - we reached at least 65 degrees today! so strange.

  2. It was cold here today also. I received my very cute glass owl today! Thank you, I love it!! hugs, Linda

  3. Glad that the owl made it okay, Linda! Sorry I didn't get it mailed earlier - last week was a little on the crazy side!

  4. My daughter said it was somehting like 10 in Fayetteville yesterday. wow. We have only just warmed up from a 10 day arctic blast and there is another one on its way tomorrow. How many more days till summer!


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