Friday, November 13, 2009

Where Angels Go...Trouble Follows

I'm tempted to make Fridays into movie day here on the blog.  A movie is a great way to end the busy week. 

Last week I shared the movie The Trouble With Angels.  This week I am sharing the sequel to that movie, Where Angels Go Trouble Follows.  This movie does not have Hayley Mills in it but it does have Rosalind Russell.  In this movie, the students at St. Francis Academy are taking a bus trip cross country to an interfaith youth gathering.  Many hilarious adventures follow during the trip.  It is a great follow-up to The Trouble With Angels, which also begins to focus more on some of the cultural issues of the 1960s.


  1. So many great actors in this one! And that's some seriously groovy music, too.

  2. Ok, this movie is now at the top of my "must see" list! :)

  3. I've seen The Trouble With Angels many times, and will have to watch the sequel.


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