Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Little Consumer Reporting

Monday when I got home from work, I was excited to find a box sitting on my front porch.  Of course, I always think it's exciting to get something in the mail, even when it's something that I've ordered.

Quickly opening the box, I was excited to find my lp bowl candy dish that I ordered from Mick at Everyone Goes to Mick's.

It was accompanied by a couple of postcard photos of the Casablanca, a bag of candy to get started with, as well as a nice hand written note from Mick.  How many people actually hand write notes anymore?  Very nice.

Mick did a great job making this!  If you don't know, Mick is creating these and regular lp bowls to earn money to add a bathroom on to the Casablanca (I wonder if Mick has had the pleasure of using a chamber pot yet, since he has no bathroom?  That's an adventure in itself!).

Now, as many of my readers know, I am a teacher.  Not only am I a teacher, but I am a reading teacher - a Title I Reading teacher.  I work with students who need an extra boost to be reading at grade level.  I love my job (most of the time) and am always on the look-out for old reading related materials.  It must be fate that brought this candy dish and me together.  The record that was used to create the small top bowl is "The Little White House" from Ginn and Company, which became Silver Burdett & Ginn, which now appears to be part of Pearson.  The record was part of an old listening station, or audio book.  So cool!  You can order your own by checking out this posting at Mick's.

Also, I have figured out what I am going to do for a give-away to celebrate having 25 followers (I actually had 27 for a couple of days, but now I'm back to 26 - you win some, you lose some).  It isn't going to be something retro, but I think that it will be something that any mid-century minded person would love for their home.  I have ordered it, and need to purchase a couple more things to complete the ensemble, but I am really excited about it!  No more hints now, but look for more information when everything gets here (hopefully by some time next week)!


  1. Hey sweetie! You won the Grand Prize over on my blog! I really need to order one of these bowls from Mick, they are just so cool.

  2. I though you might like that "Little White House" record! I also Deducted you worked with children.... so the bigger bowl is the "Kiddie Hit Parade"! Im glad you like it!


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