Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1950s Blueprints

The bottom two pictures are of the same page.  Click on pictures to enlarge.

About 10 years ago I came across a collection of four sets of complete house blueprints at an estate auction.  Included in the collection were the blueprints for the house that the auction was at and which was also auctioned off that day.  The elderly lady that owned the property was there, to make a decision on the final selling price of the house.  I can't imagine how hard it must be to watch all of your possessions, house, and car be sold and know that you are closing a major chapter in your life.

Anyway, back to the blueprints.  I would presume that since the blueprints for the house were in the sale, the elderly owner probably built the house.  The house they built was one of the smallest of the different plans.  I'm going to feature all of these blueprints over time.  I am not featuring the plans from the actual house until I can get across town and take a picture of the house to include with the post.

Today's plans are for a house of approximately 1400 square feet.  The home includes 2 good sized bedrooms, one bathroom, a large living room with a fireplace and overlooks the back yard, a dining room, eat-in kitchen, utility room, and a full unfinished basement as well as a single car garage.  The rooms are generously sized, and I really like the layout of the plan with it's formal entry hall.  I really prefer a house where you don't immediately enter into the living room.  If ever I purchase another house, a formal entry hall is on my list of must-haves.

The plans include a front planter, specifications for the stone on the front of the house, vertical and horizontal siding, and even the design for the garage door.  I love the generous amount of large windows in this house.  Lots of light makes for a happier home.

I personally feel that the house could use a little more storage on the main level.  The closets are a little small in my opinion, but the unfinished basement would give lots of possibilities for storage and even a family room, extra bedroom and bathroom.

After reviewing these plans a little closer, I discovered that these are probably the plans to a house just a short distance from my house.  I drive past this house everyday; an elderly couple lives there.  The house has had a garage addition and a small addition onto the back of some kind, but I really think it is the same house.  You can see it on Google Maps here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=188+Broadway+St,+Lamar,+MO+64759&sll=37.506015,-94.27542&sspn=0.009941,0.022724&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=188+Broadway+St,+Lamar,+Barton,+Missouri+64759&ll=37.506917,-94.275398&spn=0.009941,0.022724&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=37.506016,-94.275415&panoid=DriGEt2KJaRFAVvDiO-QVA&cbp=12,87.1,,0,6.61

If you follow the link, use the map controls to see the front, side, and back...since it is on a corner lot you can see the whole place.  In case Google Maps point you in the wrong direction, it's the white house on the corner.

Now that I have realized that two of the four blueprints have been built here in town, I think that I'll have to do some scouting to see if the other two were built.

Maybe I could build one of these plans some day, or if the housing market ever rebounds, my own mid-century ranch subdivision.  Um, wishful thinking!

Look for the rest of the plans over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. How amazing that you can show a mid-century home using technology that wasn't even dreamed of back when the home was built! That house could use a visit from "Curb Appeal", though! What an interesting post!!


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